TED Talks

Hello Students!

I hope that you are enjoying our blogging lessons and TED Talks videos so far. In case you would like to see it again, here is our first video – Educating Yorkshire: Mushy Finds His Voice.

Please find the commercial we watched in class today. After re-watching it, post a comment and then comment on someone else’s post, answering the following question:

What artifact of your generation (from 2002 onwards) would you see represented in a commercial like this, 20 years from now?

40 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. cakepoplover
    Jan 30, 2014 @ 21:56:53

    Hi mslamothe
    I think if they were to make a commercial like this 20 years from now I think they would show all the Xbox generations and PS generations because those consols are famous and probably have new and improved consols, also the clothes that we wear because in the future they would probably have different styles, toys, houses, schools, movies, tv, books, hair, technoligy, all apple generations, minecraft, playdough, The Ellen Show and bop it the game thingy.



    • runnergirl15
      Jan 31, 2014 @ 17:59:27

      hi cakepoplover
      I agree with all the things you had said because those are all really good points, one that really got me thinking was the houses because maybe all the houses will have different styles from now also xbox is a really good one too because people keep building new ones so the old ones will be forgotten. So overall your ideas are really good because you get an idea of what you mean really easily like I did.


      • cakepoplover
        Feb 08, 2014 @ 15:11:22

        Hi runnergirl15
        Thank u so much for agreeing with me and for the really long comment. To b honest I think that your comment is the longest one I’ve ever had.
        I really appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!!

    • sandhu19
      Feb 01, 2014 @ 21:10:31

      Hi cakepoplover
      I agree with you because even I think that they will put those things in the commercial 20 years from now because all of those things are really popular


    • sherrilyn2014
      Feb 04, 2014 @ 22:43:45

      I agree with you cakepoplover I also think that those are all very famous


      • cakepoplover
        Feb 08, 2014 @ 15:00:08

        Hi sherrilyn2014
        Thank u for agreeing with me
        I really appreciate it very much

  2. cakepoplover
    Jan 30, 2014 @ 22:04:09

    For the TED talks video why are some of the girls wearing tiaras when Mushy was talking.


    • mslamothe
      Jan 31, 2014 @ 17:05:40

      I was wondering the same thing cakepoplover. Maybe a weird fashion trend in Britain?


      • cakepoplover
        Feb 08, 2014 @ 15:17:20

        Hi mslamothe
        this is for u and about the girls wearing tiaras in Mushy’s video.
        I think the girl’s wearing tiaras are like a popular group

      • mslamothe
        Feb 10, 2014 @ 02:27:31

        You might be right cakepoplover.

  3. runnergirl15
    Jan 31, 2014 @ 17:54:59

    I think some things would be iphone5 and 5c because apple will probably make new ones so these ones that are popular right now will be forgotten, also wood pencils because lots of people use them right now but wood pencils will probably be replaced with mechanical ones all together. Another one is duotangs for school, lots of people already are starting to replace duotangs for binders so in the next 20 years it will probably be all gone. Also stuff like Nintendo 3ds and ps3 will end up like those little pocket pets thingies. Also stuff like Jordan shoes would be forgotten.
    one more things is that maybe stuffed teddy bears will be forgotten because not all people really care about them right now some do though.
    by runnergirl15
    bye ms.lamothe


  4. joy37
    Feb 01, 2014 @ 17:31:47


    I think that in 20 years from now, if somebody made a commercial like this they would show the iPhone 5c. As well as laptops, iPads, faction trends, computers, music, technology, all Apple products, buildings, and everything else that is popular these days.



  5. sandhu19
    Feb 01, 2014 @ 18:08:32

    Hi Ms.Lamothe
    I think some things that would be in a commercial 20 years from now would be apple products because they are very popular right now, like the iphones and laptops[etc.] They would also probably have the loom bracelets because they are very popular and new and lots of people wear them nowdays. It’s like a fashion trend now. I think there will also be other electronic devices like nintendos,Xbox,ps3, and wii[etc.]


  6. kimpop125
    Feb 01, 2014 @ 20:35:51

    If that comercial was for 20 years from know there be nothing from the 90s there would be all the apple products,Xbox 1,Wii,3ds,Ps3,Bop it the game thing,the ELLEN show!!!,Mincraft,Roblox. In shoes there would be Jourdens,Timberland’s,Vans,all the new colours of converse,combat boots and more. All the stuff in the 90s no one will even remember those things will just disapear in time.

    by kimpop125


    • themagicblogger309
      Feb 04, 2014 @ 21:08:42

      I agree with kimpop125 because all the consoles you mention are popular, the Ellen show can retire from the channel and Minecraft and Roblox can start to get boring.


    • mslamothe
      Feb 05, 2014 @ 19:38:28

      Do you mean 3D tv, kikpop125?


  7. sandhu19
    Feb 01, 2014 @ 21:01:34

    Hi Ms.Lamothe
    I think that if they were to make a commercial 20 years from now they would include all of the apple products like iPhones and laptops[etc.] because they are very popular. They would also probably include the loom bracelets because they are also very popular and new and lots of people wear them nowdays as well. It’s like a fashion trend now. Also, I think that they would include other electronic devices like nintendos,Xbox,ps4,wii[etc.]
    Bye Ms.Lamothe


  8. xxpurplepistachioxx
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 10:34:23

    I think if there was a video like this in 20 years it would show consoles like Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. They would also show phones like Iphones, Samsungs, Nexus phones, and Blackberry. They probably would show tablets like Ipads, Samsung Galaxy Tablets, and Nexus tablets.



    • harjapaulakh712
      Feb 02, 2014 @ 15:58:43

      xxpurplepistachioxx I think your right about that things like Xbox,PlayStation and nitendo would be on a commercial about our generation. I also agree with the tablets and iphones. I think your just forgetting one thing Spongebob Squarepants because of its crazy popularity.


    • santyclause
      Feb 05, 2014 @ 20:17:52


      I agree with you, many consoles would probably disappear because of how PC gaming has become really popular. Tablets and phones hill still be around in 20 years bur I phones and iPods, would basically be extinct.



  9. harjapaulakh712
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 15:52:08

    I think many consoles would be on a commercial about my genration. A famous one is the wii. It should be there because it is one of the bestselling consoles and it was the system to the most best-selling game of all-time, wii sports. There would also be things like an Xbox360 and PS3 because of there huge popularity.


  10. Icicle512
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 22:38:22

    I think 20 years from now the Rainbow Loom bracelet kit will be on the commercial because it is really popular right now. I also think iPods and iPads are going tobe on the commercial because so many people use these to play games, do reasearch and everything really.


  11. themagicblogger309
    Feb 04, 2014 @ 21:47:02

    If they made a commercial from our generation, I think they would have Nintendo 3ds,Xbox360,tablets,ipads,wii,laptops and many more. I also think that the Rainbow Loom kit will be on the commercial because lots of people wear them and some create new designed ones.


    • mslamothe
      Feb 05, 2014 @ 19:33:38

      The Rainbow Loom kit! That’s a good one that you would probably see- most likely the bracelets- because they’re such a big fad right now. Good thinking themagicblogger309.


  12. sherrilyn2014
    Feb 04, 2014 @ 22:40:58

    I think in 20 years there would be minecraft, tablets, iPods, smartphones, xbox one, ps4, rainbow loom, and smart tvs because these are all really popular things and they are the big things out


  13. aaanonymousss
    Feb 05, 2014 @ 16:32:22

    If there was a video in 20 years from now, they would show PS4, Xbox One, Apple products, because they are really popular right now.


  14. Someguy
    Feb 05, 2014 @ 18:08:40

    Something 20 years from know that would be popular would be any Playstation consoles because everyone plays it and it is still popular from our generation


    • mslamothe
      Feb 05, 2014 @ 19:36:11

      If you had to pick one generation of console, what would it be? The commercial didn’t pick ALL computer games, just one- The Oregon Trail.


  15. santyclause
    Feb 05, 2014 @ 20:10:45

    If there were to be a commercial about things today in 20 years, it would include things like Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus because they are very influential on today’s culture. Any of today’s apple devices such as Iphones and Ipads, which are widely used and recognized. They are just as easily recognizable as the McDonald’s logo. , another major thing in pop culture today is Minecraft, which has definitely reached it’s peak. It is very common to many of those who use content sharing sites like YouTube. YouTube also being another huge thing everyone knows and uses. Lastly are social media networks, such as Facebook, or Twitter. They probably wont last very long, Facebook has already been around for 10 years, so Facebook and other social networks probably wont last very long.


    • mslamothe
      Feb 05, 2014 @ 20:22:50

      Santyclause, what in particular do you think would be featured about Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus?


  16. paris55615
    Feb 05, 2014 @ 21:41:53

    If they were to make a commercial about all the popular things in 2014 20 years from now, I think they would show the rubber band bracelets because they are very popular and they are pretty cool because you get to make bracelets out of rubber bands!


  17. paris55615
    Feb 05, 2014 @ 21:46:15

    I agree with your comment sherrilyn2014. There would probably be minecraft, tablets and ipods like you said and especially the rainbow loom.


  18. santalikeshawks
    Feb 06, 2014 @ 17:14:44

    If there was going to be a commercial in 20 years about products we use I think that normal tv’s will be there. There are already many holographic items on the market such as X-ray variants and many more in creation. Technology is always improving in front of our eyes. iPhones for example, are always having new versions coming out every 6-10 months. On that note, regular cars that we have to drive has a spot on the list of possibilities. Already, a dream is slowly becoming a reality with the help of google glass. They are currently running tests for a self driving automobiles. We already have auto pilot, cruise control etc. Tv’s and cars are something in almost every house. Finally consoles such as the xbox 360 will be disappearing soon with the constant increase of consoles. The xbox kinect and PS move are out so maybe soon there will be no more remotes and only body actions like Nintendo’s wii. Maybe even built in consoles on tv’s. Consoles are also like smart home systems so maybe the standard alarm will be replaced with interactive smart home systems.


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