Letters from the Past

A Saskatchewan teacher had his grade nine students write letters to their future selves and has kept his promise to them by tracking them down and sending them their letters.

Here are some links to articles that include interviews with some of his previous students.



A simple Google search will also return more articles that you might find of interest.

Here is what I would like you to blog about this week:

If you were to write a letter to your future self, that you would get in 20 years, what questions would you ask? What expectations would you have about your accomplishments 20 years from now (ie, marriage? Children? Occupation? Travel?)

Anti-Bullying Day: Feb. 26th

In celebration of anti-bullying day, the male leadership class at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary created a music video. Their slogan is, “The Power of One.”

What does that mean to you and what connection can you give of this in your own life?

Spencer West: Defining Possible

Last week we watched a video from ‘Me to We’ about Spencer West a man who had his legs removed from the hips down due to a genetic disorder. Despite what some would call this impairment, West was able to climb Mt.Kilimanjaro.

What are your thoughts about the feats of West?

Here is the video and a link to the article we looked at in class. I have also included a clip of him being interviewed by George Strombolompolous.


Sam Berns’ Philosophy for life

Last week, if you recall, we watched a TED Talk by Sam Berns a boy who suffers from the degenerative disease, Progeria. He didn’t talk about the downside of his disease, but instead talked about his philosophy of life.

This week, I want you to pick one of Sam’s philosophies and post about it, then comment on someone else’s post. Which philosophy do you believe in the most? What connections can you make between it and your own life?

(You will probably need to re-watch the video.)

Hack schooling: An Alternative Education

Last week, we watched a TED Talk from 13 year-old Logan LaPlante on his alternative method of education. Instead of attending school in a classroom, LaPlante gains real-life experience in areas that he is interested in.

Here is the video below in case you would like to re-watch it:

If you could choose your own form of hack schooling, what would you do? Remember that LaPlante worked in a ski factory, did a ropes course, designed hats etc.