Sam Berns’ Philosophy for life

Last week, if you recall, we watched a TED Talk by Sam Berns a boy who suffers from the degenerative disease, Progeria. He didn’t talk about the downside of his disease, but instead talked about his philosophy of life.

This week, I want you to pick one of Sam’s philosophies and post about it, then comment on someone else’s post. Which philosophy do you believe in the most? What connections can you make between it and your own life?

(You will probably need to re-watch the video.)

22 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. paris55615
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 17:53:53

    I like it how Sam never looks back on the bad things that happened to him but looks what is in front of him and tries to find the things he can do instead of just feel bad for himself and think he can’t do anything. I also like how he says to people to not feel sorry for him because he says he has a happy life. In my life, I can connect to when he said to people to not feel sorry for him. I remember I once broke my wrist and told people not to worry because I got to have a cast that people could sign which was pretty cool.


    • mslamothe
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 22:41:39

      You’re right paris55615. I also admired how positive Sam was.


    • runnergirl15
      Feb 20, 2014 @ 20:39:43

      I agree with you.
      I also like how Sam pays attention to the things he can do instead of the things he cant, it shows he has a great attitude and is positive it a guideline to live by .


    • sandhu19
      Feb 24, 2014 @ 16:28:09

      I agree with you paris55615 because I also like it how Sam looks at the things he can do instead of the things he can’t do.


  2. cakepoplover
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 17:58:35

    Ms.Lamothe I chose Sam’s philosophy “I have a happy life” because I believe that everybody should live a happy life even if they don’t they should make themselves think they live and fell happy.


    • sandhu19
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 20:33:04

      Hi cakepoplover, I agree with you because I also think that everybody should have a happy life even if they have any kind of disease.


    • mslamothe
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 22:42:30

      I’m not sure that was one of his philosophies for life, cakepoplover.


  3. aaanonymousss
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 20:14:09

    I chose Sam’s philosophy “Surround yourself with people you wanna be with” because you should be with people you like. Not with the people you dislike.


  4. sandhu19
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 20:29:16

    Ms.Lamothe the philosophy I would choose would be ” I have a happy life” because in the video Sam says that he has a happy life even though he has progeria. Also, I like it how he looks at the things he can do instead of the things he can’t do, and how he tells people not to feel sorry for him.


    • mslamothe
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 22:44:39

      I agree, sandhu19. I also admire how Sam looks at the things he can do, instead of the things he can’t do. He’s a very positive person.


  5. santyclause
    Feb 20, 2014 @ 08:49:54

    My favorite is “Keep moving forward” this philosophy really stands out to me because looking at the past won’t get you anywere in the present.


  6. runnergirl15
    Feb 20, 2014 @ 20:35:14

    the philosophy I chose was ” surround yourself with people you want to be around”
    this is important because in life you should spend time with people you like because life would be miserable without friends who care for you and wont back stab you when they don’t need you anymore.

    this relates to me because I also have many friends that care for me and have always been there for me and my life has been great with them.


    • santalikeshawks
      Feb 23, 2014 @ 20:52:38

      I agree with you runnergirl15. Life is better with people who care for you and also like you being around them. Friends you don’t like are unpredictable and can cause you to get in serious trouble


  7. joy37
    Feb 20, 2014 @ 21:41:08

    I really liked the philosophy: surround yourself with people you want to be around.
    I like this because, surrounding yourself with people you want to be around, gives you a much happier life. It can possibly save you from becoming a drug addict, and you feel a lot safer when you surround yourself in a safe atmosphere.

    I can make a connection to this because, I used to hang around with people that made me feel very uncomfortable. But I decided to take action, so I decided to make some new friends. I did, and they were positive, fun to be around people. I noticed how I changed when I was around good and friendly people.

    I also like how Sam said, Always look forward. Looking forward, not back gives you less burdens, and less burdens makes you happier.
    If you have progeria or not, everybody should be happy 🙂
    ~ Joy37


    • mslamothe
      Feb 22, 2014 @ 18:15:46

      That’s great Joy37! I did the same thing when I went to high school- I found friends that were more positive to be around.


    • Winnipegscooby7
      Feb 23, 2014 @ 16:41:04

      I strongly agree with you joy37 because staying with people you want to be with might save you from being a drug addict. But there are also some that don’t make the best decisions.


  8. Winnipegscooby7
    Feb 23, 2014 @ 16:37:24

    I like his philosiphy of life about being around people you want to be with because later when where going to be in high school there are going to be some friends who’ll support you and always stay with you, while there are some who aren’t going to give the most posotive influences and even some that will get hooked into things like drugs and alchol. Sam has also shown the world that look forward to things you can do. From Winnipeg scooby 7.


  9. santalikeshawks
    Feb 23, 2014 @ 20:48:20

    I like the philosophy “keep moving forward.” I chose this because it shows that if you look back you could be stuck there or even work your way back. Usually when you look back you look at the bad things when there are so many good, happy things in front of you that you don’t realise. I use this by looking forward to a pro D days, my next basketball game, a fun trip or if there is no events for a while, there is always a weekend. Sometimes simple things like a new TV show or a new Xbox game help me. I use these for pulling myself through the school year and for helping me pass time faster.


  10. sandhu19
    Feb 24, 2014 @ 16:37:28

    My philosophy,” I have a happy life”,connects to me because I also have a happy life. I have great and positive friends that stand up for me and I also have a great family which is why I have a happy life.


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